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After our great success at The Mallard we have been asked to do an event at another Harvester restaurant in St Albans, The Ancient Briton.

St Albans dates back to roman times and there has been a building on this site for several hundred years, with history of stables as well as a saloon bar. It takes it name to commemorate the people who lived and worked in the city for 2000 years and the stone placed outside the building is there to represent this. 

We were asked to organise an investigation here after the former manager, Becca, showed us some CCTV footage of a pint of beer being pushed over in the bar area, without anyone around it. The staff also feel apprehensive when going down into the cellar, which spans the entire floor space under the building. On our walk around both Keith and myself felt a presence down there. 

Why not join us on our first outing to this historical place and see if we can experience some activity with us. A 2 or 3 course meal is included in the price and we will contact you 2 weeks before the event to per-order your meals.

Arrival time is 7.30 pm and we hope to finish at 1 am.

Following an exciting ghost hunt in April, we have made the decision to return to RAF Manston for another night. We encountered an abundance of activity in every area we explored during our investigation. We had emf meters, rem pods, sls cameras and laser grids all going off together for most of the night.It's been some time since any of us have encounteres such a high level of activity. Come and join us for this next visit. There are only a few tickets available for this event as it seemed to work so well with the numbers we had last time. Don't miss out!!

6 pm - 12 am.


RAF History Museum,
821 Manston Road,
Kent CT12 5DF

The oldest part of the museum, The Tudor House, situated in Church Street, Aylesbury, dates back to the 1470's. It was owned then by the Fraternity, who also owned almshouses & hospitals and carried out charitable work. In the 1750's it was refurbished in the Georgian style and again in the 1990's much as how we see it today.

There are stories told by those who have worked in the building and other paranormal groups also report strange things happening within it's walls. 

One the night we will have sole use of both the Georgian Room & The Tudor House, the attic rooms once used by the head master when it was a school and other area's where the exhibitions are on show. The absolute gem on the night though is access to the underground cellar, the original wine cellar which has a network of tunnels leading out into the Aylesbury Market Square and nearby church. These are blocked up now but would have been an escape routes back in the day. We sat in there for a few minutes on our walk round and had all the lights turned off. You literally couldn't see your hand in front of your face!


The arrival time is 8pm and we will finish and leave at 1am.

The building that we know today as The Harvester, in Hemel Hempstead, started it's life as a posting house, according to census records dating back to 1851. These would be houses or, in this case an inn, where horses were kept that could be rented out. They would be used as post offices are today, to distribute the mail. Back in 1861 it was known as The Railway Hotel and had provisions to stable 7 horse. Between 1855 and 1912, the census records show us that it was run by various generations of the Dunning family.


We were invited here for an investigation, after some of the current staff had experienced strange goings on within the building, the most frequent one being the hand dryer in the ladies toilets turning itself on late at night when the restaurant was being locked up. There was also a recording of someone, in the carpark, walking about and then disappearing, on the cctv footage. Our last investigation proved the building to be very active with lots of emf meters going off, ouija board work and seeing someone's hair being tugged!

Tickets for this event will include a buffet supper and the price of that is included in the price. All you pay for on the night are drinks behind the bar.


Buffet food includes.....

Spicy crackerjack prawns             Chicken breast goujons

Prime chicken wings                     Nachos

Breaded mushrooms                   Garlic bread

Jalapeno poppers                          Chips

Tomato & penne pasta                 Potato salad

Mixed salad                                    Coleslaw


Arrival time is 8 pm and we hope to get started with our investigation by 9.15 pm. Finishing time will be around 1 am.


We do have a deposit scheme available for this event if you would like to pay £20 pp now and the rest 10 days before the event. Check out the deposit section in the tickets page.


Tea and coffee will also be available throughout the night.


The Mallard

507 London Road,
Hemel Hempstead,