Emma - Psychic Medium and Partner


My spiritual life started from around the age of 5, when I had my spiritual awakening, I believe, through a series of dreams about a wolf. The first spirit I can remember seeing was when I was about 7 and then, as I got older I became more and more aware and interested in things that went bump in the night. I've lived in a number of "haunted houses", including my present home and have also had experiences in some of the houses I've worked at over the years. 

It wasn't until about 12 years ago that I started going on ghost hunts and after seeing an apparition of a monk, I decided to take part in a spiritual awakening course where I learnt so much about myself and my capabilities as a psychic medium. I regularly get information from the spirit world, am especially clairvoyant and love to practice the ancient art of psychometry.

I have engaged in a number of courses over the years and enjoy learning all different aspects of the spiritual world. I have diplomas in Ghost hunting, Scientific theory in ghost hunting, Mediumship, Demonology, Parapsychology and Scrying

I feel very lucky to have the gift I have and still amaze myself at some of the information I get through. I enjoy being able to give others the experiences I've had over the years and get huge satisfaction out of seeing people shocked by what they've seen. I love my job! 

Keith - Psychic and Partner

I've been interested in the paranormal for as long as I can remember. I learnt tarot at 15 and then, the following year, I joined a spiritual circle in Luton. 

I've had a very interesting and varied life and experienced many things that in simple terms cannot be explained.

Along the way I have developed my senses, taken a few courses and I continue to develop myself through meditation and self awareness.

Since meeting Emma I have taken my interest to a different level, with her help and guidance.

I feel privileged to call myself a paranormal investigator and more so to be in a position to offer people the chance to experience for themselves an actual ghost hunt.

I am all about being real, finding real activity and am certainly not into faking things simply for entertainment.

I love talking to people and listening to there stories. I look forward to meeting you at some point...


Lucy - Team Leader

Hi! I'm Lucy. I have a number of psychic senses, including clairsentience and clairaudience. Friends and family visit me in dreams and this happens a lot. I will dream of things before they happen. I have had dreams where people I don't know come and visit me and then, when i describe what they look like, it's a family member of close friends. I will dream of random places, houses or buildings, then I'll talk to family or friends, describe what I have seen and it turns out they have visited the places in  my dreams.

I've been interested in the paranormal from a very young age and have had many paranormal experiences throughout my life. 

I have completed diplomas in ghost hunting and paranormal investigation, Parapsychology and Demonology.


Spring - Team Leader

With a keen interest in the paranormal, I discovered Ghostly Gatherings a couple of years ago and have since participated in numerous investigations along side Emma and Keith.

I'm have a diploma in Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Investigation, with intentions to complete more courses in order to expand my knowledge.

Helen - Team Leader and Tarot Card reader

Hi, I'm Helen. I am a Reiki Master Teacher, Psychic Medium and Sound Therapist. I have been intrigued in the paranormal since seeing my first ghost at 7 years old. I attend two closed circles where I have been developing my Psychic and Mediumship abilities since 2016. I am Clairaudient, Clairvoyant and Clairsentient. I also hold regular Tarot and Psychic Development Workshops alongside modalities such as Reiki and Meditations.

Chris - Team leader and IT Expert

Hi, I'm Chris. I have been interested in the paranormal from a young age and often experienced things as a child. I discovered Ghostly Gatherings a few years ago and have participated on numerous occasions with Emma and Keith.

I'm currently working towards a diploma in Ghosting hunting and paranormal investigation and am developing my knowledge and abilities. I'm honored to be a part of the team and look forward to meeting you all.

Phillipa - Team Leader

Hi, I am Phillipa. I have been interested in the paranormal for many years. When I was younger I could see spirit but unfortunately I switched off for many years. For the last 3 or 4 years I have been taking spiritual classes which involves mediumship, picking up on energies, meditation and working on my abilities. I have recently started a ghost hunting and paranormal course. I love witchcraft too.

Jackie - Team Leader

I am Jackie and my interest in the paranormal began when I was 15. I had taken part in a nation experiment in a newspaper, when the paper lifted up and there were large ripples going across it. All the windows and doors were shut and even if it had been a draft, there was no way the newspaper would move like that! Over the years I have been on many paranormal investigations, taken part in workshops and sat in circles. I can give readings using psychometry and am sitting in circle with Emma and Keith to help develop my mediumship skills. I absolutely love being on paranormal investigations and look forward to sharing that passion with you.

Rob - Team researcher.

Hi, my name is Rob and I've been interested in all things paranormal since my teenage years. I'd describe myself as open minded with regards to the paranormal but always looking for scientific explanations. I am looking to expand my knowledge of the paranormal with the team. My job is to research any history on locations we will be investigating.